Emir Drahsan is graduated in 2004 with degree in architecture from ESA (Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture - Paris) and in "Smart Cities Engineering and Management" master program in 2015 from ENPC & EIVP (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et des Chaussées / Paris Tech & Ecole des Ingénieurs de Ville de la Paris).
He works on projects with multiple scales between planning, urban design, architecture and design.
He is associate professor at the Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture since 2011. He leads licence degree design studio and diploma design project for master degree students.
Between Istanbul and Paris, his vision of architecture is the result of dialogues, agreements and equity positions.
What should the architect do today? Surrender or abandon?
For him, it is neither one nor the other, however, perhaps we must look for the answer in the perpetual interplay between actors of urban life where the architect must constantly invent new rules to assert its production and confidence in the future.